This is the default config. Each option is explained in the comments:
You can also see the latest verion of the config here.
#This doesn't do anything, but is set by the program to help users identify the guild associated with the file
Guild-Identifier = Main Config
#Change this to redefine the main command signifier character/String
Command-Signifier = -
#Set to false to disable chat logging
ChatLog = true
#Automatically places spammers in spam mode
AllowSpamPunish = true
Channels-To-Not-Chatlog = ignore_me,ignore_me2,ignore_me3
#Bot token provided by Discord
Bot-Token =
#Normal channels will have messages with these words deleted by the bot
NaughtyList = piff,word123,another1
#Set to true if you want to limit the channels bot commands can be done in
#Admins will be able to bypass this
Restrict-Cmd-Channels = false
#Channels to restrict bot commands to
CmdChannels = bot,bot2,bot3
#Allow users to toggle these roles
ToggleRoles = role1,role2,role3
#Restrict these toggle roles to boosters. Will be removed on boost cancel
Boost-Exclusive-Roles = role2,role3
#Treat these roles like booster.
Treat-Like-Booster = Nitro Booster,silver,gold
#Bot can automatically assign role upon user join
UseCustomDefaultRole = true
#This role will give Biscuit mod commands to users with the role
ModRole = biscuit-key
#This role will give complete admin bot access to users with the role
AdminRole = biscuit-admin
#In these channels, the bot will toggle roles for the ToggleRoles for anyone
#who reacts to a message with [Toggle <Role name>]
Toggle-Role-React-Channels = toggleroles1,toggleroles2,toggleroles3
#Does nothing if UseCustomDefaultRole is off
DefaultRoleName = Standard
#Custom Emote to react with when action is complete
Done-Emote = ActionComplete
#Set true to enable captcha
#Use with UseCustomDefaultRole enabled
#Will require user to have that role for captcha check
#Role will be replaced with reward role on clear
Captcha = false
#All channels listed here will allow for users in these channels
#to initiate captcha with the bot.
Captcha-Channels = captcha,verification
#Reward this role when captcha cleared
Captcha-Reward-Role = cleared
#Kick if Captcha is not completed in a timely manner
No-Captcha-Kick = false
#Kick user after this number of minutes has passed without captcha clear
#Due to the way the countdown works, the kick may not happen until at most one minute after
No-Captcha-Kick-Time = 10
#Messages with these unicode emotes will be removed
Block-Unicode-Emotes = baby,snake,squid
#Messages with these custom emotes will be removed
Block-Custom-Emotes = badfish,fix,bigleaf
#Disable these commands for ALL users
DisabledCommands = cmd1,cmd2,cmd3
#Disabled these commands for normal users
DisabledUserCommands = cmd4,cmd5,cmd6
#Checks which invite users join with. Requires bot to have Manage Server permission.
Check-Join-Invite = false
#Enables the captcha text-channel logging.
#Logs join, complete captcha, invite joined with, and time-out kick
LogCaptcha = false
#Put the name of the text channel you want to log captcha information to.
Captcha-Log-Channel = verify-log
#DM the user before kicking for captcha.
DM-Before-Kick = true
#Send an invite to the server when dm-ing kicked users
#Does nothing when blank
#Use full link
Kick-DM-Invite =
#Enable Music Bot functionality.
#This command is for the bot admin only. If disabled, no guild
#Will be allowed to enable and use the Music bot commands.
Enable-Music-Bot = true
#Individual guild owners can enable/disable this to allow/disallow
#Music bot features in their server. Defaults to the setting
#Set in the main This will do nothing if
#Enable-Music-Bot is already set to false.
Allow-Music-Bot = true
#This logs music player events to the terminal.
#The music player logs may be annoyance. Disable them here.
#Errors will still be logged.
Log-Music-Player = true
#To restrict music to certain channels, add them here.
#Music-Channels = Room 1, Room 2
Music-Channels =
#Users with this role have complete control over the music player.
#Automatically granted to Mods and Admins.
Music-Controller-Role = music-key
#List your custom commands here. This line will always generate blank.
#Example - Custom-Command-Names = hello,botcheck,apple
Custom-Command-Names =
#<user> - Mentions the sender
#Setting up custom commands works like this:
#cc-hello-message = Hello, <user>!
#cc-hello-description = Greets the sender.
Each guild that the bot is in will have an override config in the guilds
folder. These configs can be edited by the administrators of their respective guilds. The command -getconfig
can be used to get a copy of the guild's config file, and -saveconfig
paired with a file upload of the edited config will update the config.
Guild configs have an option called Guild-Code
. This option is designed only for use by the bot host/admin and cannot be changed by guild admins who do not have access to the files. The guild code serves as an identifier for a guild and should be unique if possible.