1 Toggling Roles
Ghoti edited this page 2022-04-30 02:27:15 +00:00

With Biscuit, you can allow your Discord members to toggle roles for themselves. To do this, first add the roles you want toggled to ToggleRoles in the config. Check the config page of the wiki for an example. Then users can toggle this role with the command -togglerole [role] or -tr [role] (replacing "-" with your own command-signifier).

You can also provides your members with reaction role toggle channels. List which channels you want this to be possible in in Toggle-Role-React-Channels in the config. Check the config page of the wiki for an example. Then in these channels you can insert [Toggle (role name)] into the message, and anyone who reacts to the message will get the specified role added to them. Anyone who removes their reaction from the message will get the specified role removed from them.

Lastly, you can restrict certain role toggles to Nitro Boosters. Note that admins will always be treated like Nitro Boosters. You can specify which roles get treated like Nitro Boosters in Treat-Like-Booster in the config. You can set which toggle roles are Booster-exclusive in the config at Boost-Exclusive-Roles. Again, check the config page of the wiki for examples. These roles are automatically removed once the member no longer has a boost role, or tries to chat without any boost roles.